
Prosperity Tree

Get flexibility in terms of your benefits.

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At a Glance

Prosperity Tree is a peso-denominated 3-pay variable life insurance plan with a short-term premium payment but with greater flexibility in terms of your future benefits.

Eligibility and Coverage

  • Individuals from 0 to 70 may apply.
  • Coverage up to 99 years old.
  • Payment term is 3 years.
  • Benefits include earned cash value from investments and death benefit.
  • Plan Currency is Philippine Peso (PhP).
  • Different modes of payment available:
    • Quarterly
    • Semi-Annual
    • Annual

*Guaranteed Insurability Offer (GIO) allows the application to be issued without medical examination but is subject to certain limits, conditions and underwriting guidelines.


Face Amount is equal to the Basic Premium multiplied by the Death Benefit Multiplier, plus 125% of all Lump Sum Top-Up additions, less 125% of all partial withdrawals from the fund, if any.

Minimum Guaranteed Death Benefit (MGBD) is 500% of Basic Premium plus 125% of each top-up premium, less 125% of each withdrawal.

Policy Termination

The Policy shall automatically be terminated, and all benefits end on the occurrence of the following:
  1. Upon the death of the insured.
  2. Termination date as shown on the contract.
  3. Upon full withdrawal of units on the investment linked to the policy contract.
  4. Account Value becomes insufficient to pay applicable charges.

Fees and Charges involved in the product

  • This VUL product is subject to the following fees & charges:
    1. Premium Charge
      • Policy year 3-pay Top-up
        1 30% 3%
        2 0% 3%
        3 0% 3%
        4 and up 0% 3%
    2. Insurance Charge
      • A monthly insurance charge will be deducted from your account value.
      • The charge will vary depending on the insured’s age and risk class.
    3. Fund Management Charge
      • Fund Management Fee of 0.5% per year
    4. Administrative Charge
      • PHP1200 per year plus 1.5% per year on the Account Value
    5. Partial Withdrawal Fee
      • Policy year Withdrawal Charge
        1 100%
        2 50%
        3 25%
        4 10%
        5 5%
        6 and up One (1) free withdrawal per policy year thereafter PHP200 per withdrawal
    6. Fund Switching Fee
      • PHP200 for every fund switch made in excess of two (2) free fund switches per policy year
    7. Change in Fund Allocation Fee
      • PHP200 for every change in fund allocation made in excess of two (2) free changes in fund allocation per policy year

Pre-Termination or Surrender of the VUL Policy and the charges thereof

The VUL policy can be surrendered at the discretion of the policyholder which will result to the termination of the said VUL policy.

Please be notified, however, that corresponding surrender charges may be applied, depending on the policy year when the surrender transaction occurs.

Policy year Surrender Charge
1 100%
2 50%
3 25%
4 10%
5 5%
6 and up 0%

The VUL policy may also terminate in the event that the available Fund values are no longer sufficient to cover for the applicable policy charges.

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